Amazing Coffee – Fine Wine

Amazing Coffee - Fine Wine

Every morning I look forward to starting my day off with a freshly brewed coffee our non-dairy coffee creamer and a glass of fine wine and sitting back and relaxing for the rest of the even no ing; Yay, we all jump out of bed to reach out for that deliciously freshly brewed cup of “Amazing Coffee – Fine Wine” combining two of my favorite things of my every day – Coffee and Wine. However, decades of life management choices and lifestyle comes to a word combination that makes me smile each and every time I think of it, say it, or now – when I hear it. ENJOY YOUR COFFEE HERE…

Amazing Coffee – Fine Wine

Nowadays, it is hard to choose the right diet program because one size does not fit all. Furthermore, they are finding that it is even harder for people over the age of 40+ to lose weight. In all honesty, I’ve gone from trying diet pills to having gastric bypass surgery. Furthermore, coming from the pre-dominate and inherited genes, overweight family members. I knew I was doomed. However, I found that a lot of factors do sabotage good intentions and efforts.

Look, I understand how hard it is to lose weight, sometimes I feel like a Yo-Yo… My scale goes up and down. However, you need to pay attention, because I have literally found a way to have my cake and eat it too! As a matter of fact, I wrote this to do the same for you and anyone else wanting to look and feel great and who wants to “Live” with Finer Foods, Fine Wine, and the lifestyle that provides.

My Mornings are so much better with Delicious Non-Dairy Creamer for your Coffee.

It’s no secret… This is an amazing tasting non-dairy coffee creamer that delivers science to allow us to LIVE LIFE and Lose the Fat, Lose the Inches!

To start with, I am probably a typical person when it comes to my eating habits, routines, and lifestyle. Of course, I’m also a typical person a “Foodie”! YES!!! I enjoy the FINE THINGS in life… and I am very proud of my tastes for Food, Wine, and Chocolate. Although, a great piece of Lemon Meringue Pie, or piece of New York Style Cheesecake – well that is hard to pass up as well.

Here is what I Want. Amazing Coffee – Fine Wine… We’ll call it “My Cake”.

Want to wake up and be excited to get on with the Day? Or, Alert and ready to make a difference today – to accomplish things that build up my goals -Financially, Spiritually, Physically, Mentally.

This is one way I am able to Impact the Lives of Others. To help them grow, and build, and to help them create Time, Financial, and overall Freedom.

I want to be able to Eat Fine Foods as I share quality time with others. To enjoy amazing cooking and the Art of Food. I am a big-time lover of Wine. And not just any Wine, but Fine Wines. However, I have enjoyed the years of being able to wind down the day, to reflect on what was accomplished, and to spend time with my Spouse as we share the moment.

Side Effects of me with “My Cake” and me “Eating My Cake”  (Before I found My Solution – “Amazing Coffee – Fine Wine”)

I would wake up, eager to face the day. Get every morning going with our Amazing Non-Dairy Coffee Creamer, get situated, and going for the day. Pouring everything I could each and every day into making things better, brighter, and fuller for everyone I can touch and influence.

Side Effects of me with “My Cake” and me “Eating My Cake” (After I found my Solution – “Coffee and Wine”)


As I do this, I enjoy great food, fine wines, and have been watching as I gain weight slowly and steadily. Furthermore, I’m even conscious of my health, replacing meals with nutritious and low-calorie shakes; thinking I could still enjoy Fine Foods and Fine Wine – savoring the moments and celebrating the day. However, my body and I seem to be at odds, and I’m constantly battling weight gain, weight loss, tug of war.

Finding myself doing insane methods to lose 40-50 pounds at a time, in methods that are not “Eating My Cake” and living a lifestyle away from what I enjoy. So, of course, it’s never going to last, it is not where I want to be, and so the battle continued.

UNTIL… I found the solution that gave me the ability to “Eat my Cake!”

And the solution was as easy as changing nothing more than my morning JOE? Literally – that is all – didn’t change anything else!

This is where “Amazing Coffee – Fine Wine“ comes into my life and the life of all those I can share it with:

With our non-dairy Coffee Creamer – AMAZING stuff that helps you FEEL GREAT and LOSE WEIGHT and INCHES – Get it here. Furthermore, the wait and search are over, get back in control of your weight management regime. not to mention, these are natural key ingredients that have been proven to work and give you the advantage to finally lose weight. However, you will thank me forever.

I am able to get back in control of my Healthy Lifestyle, which I crave, now lose weight and keep it off; without the stresses of crash diets, severe diet, or restrictions. Furthermore, I simply drink 2 cups of great-tasting, energy-releasing, and proven weight loss non-dairy Coffee creamer throughout the Morning. Eat sensibly, and enjoy a great dinner throughout the week, and especially for Date Nights. Moreover, I get to look and feel great – all because of the addition of this Amazing Non-Dairy Coffee Creamer!


With our Fine Wine of the Month Club

Amazing Coffee - Fine Wine

This will be your best Decision in “Fine Living”. You’ll gain an appreciation for it, gain in health benefits, and be able to share in

Rewards of Financial and Time Freedom with Amazing Coffee – Fine Wine!

You see with every problem there is a solution. And as I have always found, the Solution is a way to create an income. Solutions are where the money is at. We solve the issues of having your Cake and Eating too (coffee and wine)… and in a way that better and everyone we share it with.

As you get set with these AMAZING products for your life’s enhancement, enjoyment, and betterment… I will be able to “Eat My Cake” as I can share and help you in my Life’s Passion of “Pouring everything I could each and every day into making things better, brighter; and fuller for everyone I can touch and influence”. However, I have found my way to “Get My Cake” and “Eat it Too”. And I call it “Amazing Coffee and Fine Wine.”

Eat sensibly, but know you can enjoy a Fine “Event” with Great Food, and Great Fine Wine and enjoy the time and company you have around you.

Amazing Coffee - Fine Wine


Get set up for your Morning Energy and Thrust for Greatness. And, you’ll have a curbed appetite, you will literally be set without cravings or false hunger pains. Furthermore, your desire for sweets and unhealthy fats will diminish. Your Body and Mind will feel amazing. (OH and it only gets better the longer you are on this AMAZING non-dairy Coffee creamer!). Moreover, just have 1 to 2 glasses throughout the morning to early afternoon.

We are here to share the best of the Fine Wines around the Globe. Furthermore, this is about the latest in delivery and savings being passed on to Wine Lovers everywhere. Moreover, you have found the best value ever, and you are going to be so glad you did.


Amazing Coffee - Fine Wine

Order up 4 or 6 or 12 Bottles each month. You will not beat this deal. We have been loving and sharing our Wine of the Month Club with everyone we can for years now. THIS IS SOMETHING YOU DESERVE! (no massed-produced punch wine here). Furthermore, you will want the lifestyle that Fine Wine provides, and you are going to love this. However, you are going to get AMAZING hand-picked (by Sommeliers’ – or Wine Experts) Wines, your choice of Red or White from all around the globe each month, shipped directly to your door.

Want to try it first? GO HERE TO BE A CLUB MEMBER…

Refer 3 and Free!!

Be sure to get connected to me here on Facebook or Skype me – live:ccarrido3 – So I can be sure to show you everything we have to give you the Time, Freedom, and Lifestyle you Deserve. However, w figured it out, and we are going to guide you there! God Bless. Find me on Facebook Here