Poetic Musings of the heart

Poetic Musings Of The Heart is a collection of poems of encouragement; I enjoy reading books that help bring inspiration and motivation, and spiritual peace in oneself; through mind, body, and soul. Furthermore, these books have helped me through rough, and dark times (when my son was diagnosed with Cancer); and through all my relationships. Moreover, while the language of Love is Universal, we have found one Author to help bring it to light and understanding. So, let’s explore the Language of the Heart.

These featured books are all by James P. Robson. And, the Poetic Intuitive Wisdom Of The Heart is a Collection of Poems for Encouragement, has what I believe to be, endless wisdom in Love; a connection with God. And, his conduit to the language of Love is here within his writings, his books, his poems. Not to mention, you will gather some insight, and from one avid reader to another, these are must-reads; and must-haves in your library.

I find them the best to share with searching and hurt souls; and if you have children, have these on the ready. Though, Life is not easy, nor was it meant to be, but having resources that can help you connect to the Love; that is there for all of us is something I find truly priceless.

Honestly, it’s been a breath of fresh air reading Poems of Encouragement Collection. Moreover, I always enjoy starting out my day with words of spiritual motivation and encouragement; to help me to start out my day right.

Who’s James P Robson?

James P Robson was born in 1938 in Joplin, Missouri. And, currently a resident of Houston, Texas has a professional background in accounting, finance & sales marketing.

1. Music of the Heart

The Music of the Heart is a collection of poetry written over a period of thirty years. Many of them resulted from conversations I had with myself or surfaced during periods of relaxation and sleep. Some were inspired by my granddaughters as I observed their young lives evolving.

Though, like a personal diary, the Language of the Heart poems serves as a reminder of my own identity and awareness. Incredibly, the human mind is a powerful and amazing gift, but it can easily be led astray from the truth without the proper guidance; which must be centered in the heart. Moreover, learning is a process that requires much discipline, focus and trial, and error. And, it is with the hope that some of the ideas conveyed in these poems, will open other hearts; and bring strength and encouragement.

2. Spirit of the Heart

The Spirit of the Heart; Once you get through the powerful first book, you will be glad you weren’t around. When others had to wait for the next of James’ moving series and was waiting to be released. I literally went from the end of “The Music of the Heart” to “The Spirit of the Heart” in a single swipe and click.

I’ll add in some statements from the book Author himself… and it goes like this: 

“The Spirit of the Heart is a collection of poems with most written from late 2012 through mid-2013. Each of them resulted from personal thoughts and experiences and from studying God’s Word. Before writing down these words in the Language of the Heart series, I processed them through my heart; to be blessed by the Holy Spirit. With the Holy Spirit dwelling in the human heart, the heart opens up to the Truth of being.”

In all honesty, it takes practice, patience, and faith to hear, and understand as the Holy Spirit responds, conveys; and directs the Truth through the magic of the heart. While he goes on, and it is profound… I took a lot from this book. And it all starts from his Introduction and his analogy of going “all in”.

This is so powerful, and such a shared belief and realization of my own. Because it is not until you go truly “all in” on anything that you can truly succeed. Nothing is done halfway is done completely.

3. The Inner Voice of the Heart

“The Inner Voice of the Heart” is a collection of poems written during late 2008 through mid-2012. Each of them resulted from personal thoughts, and experiences and from reading God’s Word. Before writing down these words, I processed them through my heart to be blessed by the Holy Spirit.

Listening to the inner voice of the heart opens up the Truth of being. It takes practice, patience, and faith to hear, and understand as the Holy Spirit responds, conveys; and directs the Truth through the magic of the heart. My hope is that each reader will use these poems as a guide and a catalyst, to gain insight into the power; and love of the Holy Spirit, who was sent as a Comforter by the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

4. The Gift of the Heart

“The Gift of the Heart” – I’ll note this one is more personal to me, and maybe it is because it was published on my birthday (though when I was turning 40 – and that seems to be a year of incredible reflection, the big 4-0).

Not to mention, James states that this was a year of writing serving as a Journal or Diary. One in which he is documenting the Holy Spirit at work in his life. I can tell you at the time I hit 40, I too was remembering and spending needed hours of meditation, and soul seeking and reflection. The workings of the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives, let alone our blessed years on this earth are truly amazing.

Poetic Musings Of The Heart

Poetic Musings Of The Heart; most written from late 2013 through mid-2014. Each of them resulted from personal thoughts and experiences and from studying God’s Word. Before writing down these words, I processed them through my heart to be blessed by the Holy Spirit.

With the Holy Spirit dwelling in the human heart, the heart opens up to the truth of being. It takes practice, patience, and faith to hear and understand as the Holy Spirit responds, conveys; and directs the truth through the magic of the heart.

My hope is that each reader will use the Language of the Heart poems as a guide and a catalyst, to gain insight into the power and love of the Holy Spirit; who was sent as a comforter by the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

5. Mission of the Heart

“The Mission of the Heart” is my fifth book and includes poetry written during late 2014 through mid-2015. The thoughts conveyed in these poems are personal to me, and their reproduction in this book is primarily intended to convey concepts of truth; which can be of benefit to others.

The thoughts conveyed in these poems are personal to me, and their reproduction in this book is primarily intended to convey concepts of truth; which can be of benefit to others. Some subjects and truths require research and study, so these short poems are intended as food for thought; for further study and investigation by the reader. Although the human mind can develop a thirst for knowledge and wisdom. The process of storing and applying such knowledge; wisdom can be best understood in small doses.


In either event, life on earth is a lengthy process of self-development and requires both study and active application in a continuous stream; in order to advance both physically and spiritually. Although, the learning process is unending, and many of the most important lessons come through trial and tribulation.

As we gain in our self-development, we learn how to blend and merge together our faith, our mental capacity. And, our love nature to become believers; disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are each challenged by our assignments yet blessed with the inner strength of the indwelling Christ. We must, therefore, embrace this unique indwelling presence, which makes all good things truly possible!

6. The Love of the Heart

“The Love of the Heart” – This book contains poems written during late 2015 through mid-2016. Like my previous five books, the title includes the word “heart.” I chose this word because it serves our minds as a filtering device which is capable of purifying our thoughts.

With our gift of free choice, we can learn to employ our heart to cleanse and focus our thoughts constructively; while adding a large dose of love and mutual respect. From a spiritual viewpoint, the mind desires to be plugged in so it can be connected to the indwelling spirit.

When we enter into the spiritual kingdom, God brings us to himself where we can love. And where we can put our life in something that will last. The poems in this book can be read in any order the reader chooses. Each poem is a stand-alone glimpse through a moment in time, as I have observed it. My hope is that each of us can learn to love one another, as God has loved us.

7. The Glory of the Heart

The Glory of the Heart” – This book completes a series of seven that explores and surrounds the heart, beginning with music’s universal rhythm and heartbeat to the full glory and majesty of reaching the end zone, where God’s essence is on full display.

From a spiritual viewpoint, the mind desires to be plugged in so that it can be connected to the indwelling spirit. When we enter into the spiritual kingdom, God brings us to him. Where we can love and where we can put our life in something that will last.

The poems in this book can be read in any order the reader chooses. Each poem is a stand-alone glimpse through a moment in time as I have observed it. My hope is that each of us can learn to love one another as God has loved us.

With love and hope,

James P. Robson

8. The Intuitive Wisdom of the Heart: A Collection of Poems of Encouragement

The Instituitive Wisdom of the Heart” – This book is my eighth containing poems about life and the human heart. The heart is misunderstood by many and yet is an intuitive and wisdom-based organ which functions as the chief administrator of mankind. Over many years, I have discovered that our primary purpose in life is to discover who we really are.

We need to identify with ourselves and embark on a journey of self-discovery. As the question of who we linger and our curiosity continues to confront us, our need to answer this question intensifies.

Hopefully, many of my words will provide insight into both the heart and the mind and how they function in concert to fulfill God’s will. The ideas inscribed in my many poems represent my determination and desire to connect with my Lord. And Savior Jesus Christ where I can find both rest and the knowledge of who I am.

I believe, that practice makes perfect, and with patience and determination; our search will lead to the treasure that confirms who we are. And enables us to understand our Christian identity.

With much encouragement,

James P. Robson

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